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In the last decade, with the release of the iPhone and other smart phones and mobile devices, Mobile Applications have quickly become an enormous and ever-growing market. The Mobile App market presents an excellent opportunity for both entrepreneurs looking create standalone revenue generating mobile apps and for existing businesses looking to tap the mobile market and make it easier to reach customers on the go. As such there are a wide range of Mobile App Development and Design services now available, ranging from simple mobile app set-up services and freelance Mobile App Developers, to full service enterprise level Mobile App Development and Design agencies. When shopping Mobile App development services it is important to have a good idea of your budget and a clear understanding of Mobile App platforms and what you are looking for – whether it be a device specific Native (IOS, Android, Windows, Blackberry etc) App that can be released in the corresponding app store, cross-platform Mobile App development, or simply a Mobile compatible Web App. Listed below for user reviews and comparison are many of the Top Mobile App Development and Design services currently available as well as the top outsourcing platforms for hiring Freelance Mobile App Developers. Listed in separate categories are Mobile App Marketing services and Mobile Website Development services. There are also wide range of Mobile App Development programs/platforms available for those looking to build Mobile Apps themselves or for agencies looking for a solution to build and manage client Mobile Apps.
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