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Since the release of Facebook Ads in 2007 and Facebook's subsequent wide spread growth into most demographics, Facebook has established itself as a top web Advertising solution, second perhaps only to Google Adwords in terms of reach, volume, and targeting capabilities. With such growth, several Facebook Advertising Management Software solutions have been developed, enabling users to manage large campaigns and scale their ad spends more cost effectively on Facebook. Going beyond the limited features of Facebooks own Ad Manager, these tools and platforms provide an array of solutions to help create, manage, analyze, and optimize multiple Facebook ads and campaigns. Typical features of most Facebook Ad Management Software include: ad scheduling, automatic ad creation, bulk ad editing, ad rotation, conversion tracking, and reporting. Some of the more advanced Facebook Ad Management Applications include features to help automate optimization and bidding based on an ads performance. Additionally, some Facebook ad management Platforms now integrate with Twitter Ads and Instagram ads, to provide a complete multichannel Social Media Advertising management solution. Facebook Ad Management Software pricing is typically either a flat monthly fee or a percentage based of total monthly ad spend – with most offering a free trial or platform demo. Listed below for user reviews and comparison are the TOP Facebook Advertising Management Software and Platforms currently available in 2015.
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