Review Categories
Mobile Marketing is a broad marketing term that generally refers to any type of marketing or advertising via mobile computing devices (smartphones, tablets, and other hand held devices). Some of the most common Mobile Marketing strategies include: Mobile Website Optimization (see Mobile Web Design Software or Mobile Web Design Services), Mobile App Development, Mobile App/Mobile Web Advertising, SMS/Text Marketing, and Mobile QR Codes/Coupons. With the overgrowing popularity of smartphones and tablets, mobile web use is expected to soon surpass traditional desktop/laptop web use. For most businesses, web based or not, having an optimized mobile presence is no longer just a benefit but rather a necessity to stay competitive in their markets and reach their consumers on the go. As such, their are a large number and a wide range of Mobile Marketing services, software, ad networks, and training resources available to help businesses and organizations improve their mobile presence. Listed and organized within this category for user reviews and comparison are the Top Mobile Advertising Networks, Mobile Affiliate Networks, Mobile Marketing Books, Mobile Marketing Training/Courses, Mobile Website Software & Services, QR Code Generator/Services, SMS/Text Marketing Software, Wordpress Mobile Plugins, and Wordpress Mobile Themes. Listed within a separate category are Mobile App Development products and services.
See also: Mobile Marketing Wikipedia Description
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