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PPC Search Advertising allows businesses, small and large alike, to attract targeted visitors from the top Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, & Bing). In the last decade, Sponsored Search Advertising has quickly become a multi-billion dollar industry and is on the verge of taking over television as the top Advertising channel (in terms of ad spend). For businesses looking to tap into this channel and manage their own PPC advertising campaigns there can be a deep learning curve in effectively doing so. As such, several Search Engine Marketing (PPC) Books and other training tutorials have been made available by Search Marketing experts to help make the process much easier. Most Search Engine Marketing (PPC) Books touch on both Google Adwords and Microsoft Adcenter (Bing & Yahoo), the 2 most popular Sponsored Search networks currently available, and cover the most important factors of Search Advertising including: ad writing, keyword targeting, bidding, and optimization. Listed below for user Reviews and comparison are the TOP Search Engine Marketing (PPC) books. Listed separately in a more specific Google Adwords category are the top Google Adwords books.
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