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Google+ (also referred to as Google Plus) is a social networking, social bookmarking, and web identity service, owned and operated by Google Inc. Google Plus is integrated with many of Google’s most popular services – including Gmail, Youtube, and Google Places (Google+ Local). Additionally, Google+ provides a content authorship tool which can link web-content to the author’s Google+ page and provide additional benefits. However, in 2014 Google disabled authorship markup in web search. Even such, as the second largest ‘Social Network’ in terms of active users (after Facebook), Google Plus can still be utilized by most types of businesses to expand their reach on the web. Several Google Plus Marketing training programs and tutorials have been compiled by SMM experts in recent years, detailing exactly how business can utilize Google+ as an effective Social Media Marketing tool. Listed below are several of the most popular Google Plus marketing training programs and tutorials currently available. Listed separately, are Social Media Marketing courses, books, and ebooks/tutorials – some of which may briefly cover Google Plus Marketing as part of an overall Social Media Marketing strategy.
See also: Google Plus Wikipedia Description
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