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WP Mobile DetectorWP Mobile Detector (websitez.com) is a popular and easy to use Mobile Wordpress plugin that automatically detects visitors from mobile devices and serves an optimized mobile layout to best match each device. Other features of WP Mobile Detector include 10 built-in mobile themes, a theme editor, a mobile ad manager, mobile site analytics, and more. The WP Mobile Detector plugin costs a one-time $50.00 for a single use license, $150.00 for use on up to 5 sites, or $250.00 for an unlimited use developers license.
WP Mobile Detector (websitez.com) is a popular and easy to use Mobile Wordpress plugin that automatically detects visitors from mobile devices and serves an optimized mobile layout to best match each device. Other features of WP Mobile Detector include 10 built-in mobile themes, a theme editor, a mobile ad manager, mobile site analytics, and more. The WP Mobile Detector plugin costs a one-time $50.00 for a single use license, $150.00 for use on up to 5 sites, or $250.00 for an unlimited use developers license. More