April 13, 2013
The Social Media Marketing for Startups course (www.udemy.com/social-marketing), presented by Dan Martell and several other industry experts, is a 6 part, 3.5 hour Social Media Marketing training course, available via Udemy.com. Udemy.com is a popular "online training course" platform connecting over 200,000 students to thousands of online training courses, spanning a wide array of subjects. For students, Udemy provides a safe and organized platform to access quality online courses and training tutorials authored by industry experts and backed by a satisfaction guarantee.
The Social Media Marketing for Startups course is presented by 5 Social Media experts: Dan Martell, Stew Langille, Laura Lippay, Jeff Widman, & Jonathan Strauss. The course is divided into 6 lectures and presented in over 3.5 hours of video content, where each expert shares insight into their area of Social Media Marketing expertise. The course costs a mere one-time $19.00 and with over 3,000 past students is one of the most popular Marketing courses on Udemy.com. The course is accessible immediately after purchase and as with all Udemy courses is backed by a 30 day satisfaction or money back guarantee.
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