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PushButton SEOPushButton SEO (www.pushbuttonseo.com) is a premium Wordress SEO plugin developed by Brian Johnson and first released in 2009. PushButton SEO provides pass/fail scores for 7 key on-page SEO ranking factors, individualized for the targeted keywords of each page on a Wordress site. Users can check the score for each page, make the recommendeded fixes, and watch your rankings improve and traffic increase. Other key features of the PushButton SEO plugin include keyword suggestions/research, content creation tools, internal linking structure optimization, and reporting. PushButton SEO costs $47.00 for a personal use license on up to 50 personal websites and $197.00 for a developers unlimited use license. Purchases are backed by a 60 day satisfaction or money back guarantee.
PushButton SEO (www.pushbuttonseo.com) is a premium Wordress SEO plugin developed by Brian Johnson and first released in 2009. PushButton SEO provides pass/fail scores for 7 key on-page SEO ranking factors, individualized for the targeted keywords of each page on a Wordress site. Users can check the score for each page, make the recommendeded fixes, and watch your rankings improve and traffic increase. Other key features of the PushButton SEO plugin include keyword suggestions/research, content creation tools, internal linking structure optimization, and reporting. PushButton SEO costs $47.00 for a personal use license on up to 50 personal websites and $197.00 for a developers unlimited use license. Purchases are backed by a 60 day satisfaction or money back guarantee.