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LinkTrustLinkTrust (www.linktrust.com) is a affiliate program software developed by Frank Ouimette and Bret Grow in 2001. The linktrust software has an accurate pixel tracking system with many features for powering affiliate networks or in-house affiliate programs. Link Trust has 5 different licensing packages depending on the users needs, starting at $200.00 a month with a $300 set up fee. Over 150 affiliate networks and in-house affiliate programs use LinkTrust to run their affiliate programs.
LinkTrust (www.linktrust.com) is a affiliate program software developed by Frank Ouimette and Bret Grow in 2001. The linktrust software has an accurate pixel tracking system with many features for powering affiliate networks or in-house affiliate programs. Link Trust has 5 different licensing packages depending on the users needs, starting at $200.00 a month with a $300 set up fee. Over 150 affiliate networks and in-house affiliate programs use LinkTrust to run their affiliate programs. More