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Boot Camp Digital: Mobile Marketing 101Bootcamp Digital (bootcampdigital.com) is a digital marketing training and consulting company founded by Krista Neher in 2008. Krista has over a decade of online marketing experience and is best-selling author and a highly regarded digital marketing educator and international speaker. Bootcamp Digital offers a range of courses covering the most important aspects of web and social media marketing including the Boot Camp Digital Mobile Marketing 101 (bootcampdigital.com/mobile-marketing-training-101) course. This course covers everything businesses need to about Mobile Marketing and how utilize the most popular mobile marketing tools (SMS, QR codes, mobile websites, mobile apps, & mobile ads) to grow their business. Included in the course is a 90 minute training video, a Mobile Marketing action planner, a summary of the presentation, and copies of the presentation slides. The Boot Camp Digital Mobile Marketing 101 course costs a one-time $37.00, is delivered immediately after purchase, and is backed by a 30 satisfaction or money back guarantee.
Bootcamp Digital (bootcampdigital.com) is a digital marketing training and consulting company founded by Krista Neher in 2008. Krista has over a decade of online marketing experience and is best-selling author and a highly regarded digital marketing educator and international speaker. Bootcamp Digital offers a range of courses covering the most important aspects of web and social media marketing including the Boot Camp Digital Mobile Marketing 101 (bootcampdigital.com/mobile-marketing-training-101) course. This course covers everything businesses need to about Mobile Marketing and how utilize the most popular mobile marketing tools (SMS, QR codes, mobile websites, mobile apps, & mobile ads) to grow their business. Included in the course is a 90 minute training video, a Mobile Marketing action planner, a summary of the presentation, and copies of the presentation slides. The Boot Camp Digital Mobile Marketing 101 course costs a one-time $37.00, is delivered immediately after purchase, and is backed by a 30 satisfaction or money back guarantee. More