Trada FB Advertising Marketplace Trada ( is a crowdsourcing Ad Management marketplace, with a community of more than 2,000 search experts available to manage and optimize PPC advertising campaigns on the webs top advertising platforms - Google Adwords, Yahoo, Bing, and Facebook Ads. Trada's Facebook Ad Marketplace ( provides two types of experts - certified Facebook ad experts for targeting, bid adjustment and optimization and their Image Designers for creating compelling and higher converting ad images. Together, they create large numbers of diverse, attention grabbing Facebook ads that are sent to clients approval. Once approved, the ads are launched and over time the Optimizers consistently test new ads and targeting strategies, to battle ad fatigue and continue generating low-cost clicks and connections. Pricing for the Trada Facebook Ad outsourcing solution is CPC or CPA performance based, allowing advertisers to set and control their monthly budget and ROI.
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Trada FB Advertising Marketplace Reviews

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Date Listed: 

June 28, 2012




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About the Trada Facebook Advertising Marketplace

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Trada ( is a crowdsourcing Ad Management marketplace, with a community of more than 2,000 search experts available to manage and optimize PPC advertising campaigns on the webs top advertising platforms - Google Adwords, Yahoo, Bing, and Facebook Ads. Trada's Facebook Ad Marketplace ( provides two types of experts - certified Facebook ad experts for targeting, bid adjustment and optimization and their Image Designers for creating compelling and higher converting ad images. Together, they create large numbers of diverse, attention grabbing Facebook ads that are sent to clients approval. Once approved, the ads are launched and over time the Optimizers consistently test new ads and targeting strategies, to battle ad fatigue and continue generating low-cost clicks and connections. Pricing for the Trada Facebook Ad outsourcing solution is CPC or CPA performance based, allowing advertisers to set and control their monthly budget and ROI. More

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