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SocialMediAdd Facebook Ads ManagementSocialMediAdd (www.SocialMediadd.com) is a US based Social Media Marketing agency, founded by Brandon Gaille in 2011, providing a variety of Social Media Marketing services including a Facebook Ad Management service (www.socialmediadd.com/Facebook_PPC_Ads). The SocialMediAdd Facebook Ads service manages everything from ad creation to daily monitoring of ongoing Facebook PPC campaigns, including targeting Ads geographically, demographically and/or by interests. The service starts at a minimum spend of $299.00 a month. However, no information is provided as far as what percentage of this number is Ad spend and what is kept as a management fee.
SocialMediAdd (www.SocialMediadd.com) is a US based Social Media Marketing agency, founded by Brandon Gaille in 2011, providing a variety of Social Media Marketing services including a Facebook Ad Management service (www.socialmediadd.com/Facebook_PPC_Ads). The SocialMediAdd Facebook Ads service manages everything from ad creation to daily monitoring of ongoing Facebook PPC campaigns, including targeting Ads geographically, demographically and/or by interests. The service starts at a minimum spend of $299.00 a month. However, no information is provided as far as what percentage of this number is Ad spend and what is kept as a management fee. More