Freelancer Video Ad Production

Freelancer ( has a many freelance Video Production contractors that you can hire to create Promotional Video Ads or other types of Videos on an hourly or project priced basis or you can browse the handful of set priced Video Production services from the Freelancer Freemarket ( with Video Production prices starting at $100.00.

About Freelancer

Freelancer (, formerly, was founded in 2004 in Sweden. Freelancer was bought out in 2009 by Ignition Networks, an Australian company, and is now headquartered in Sydney, Australia. As one of the world's largest outsourcing and crowdsourcing marketplaces for small business there are thousands of satisfied customers on a global scale. Freelancer has 2 outsourcing solutions; hiring a freelancer and managing them through their management platform or purchasing a set price service package from their categorized Freemarket marketplace (

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Freelancer Video Ad Production Reviews

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Date Listed: 

June 04, 2012




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Starting @ $100 or negotiated hourly or project pricing

About Freelancer Video Ad Production

Visit Freelancer Video Ad Production's website


Freelancer ( has a many freelance Video Production contractors that you can hire to create Promotional Video Ads or other types of Videos on an hourly or project priced basis or you can browse the handful of set priced Video Production services from the Freelancer Freemarket ( with Video Production prices starting at $100.00.

About Freelancer

Freelancer (, formerly, was founded in 2004 in Sweden. Freelancer was bought out in 2009 by Ignition Networks, an Australian company, and is now headquartered in Sydney, Australia. As one of the world's largest outsourcing and crowdsourcing marketplaces for small business there are thousands of satisfied customers on a global scale. Freelancer has 2 outsourcing solutions; hiring a freelancer and managing them through their management platform or purchasing a set price service package from their categorized Freemarket marketplace (


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Freelancer Technology Pty Limited


Plendo Sweden

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