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Twitter Marketing: An Hour a DayTwitter Marketing: An Hour a Day (www.amazon.com/books/twitter-marketing-hour-a-day) is a 504 page Social Media Marketing book written by Hollis Thomases in 2010. Hollis Thomases was the founder of Web Advantage (www.webadvantage.net), a leading expert in Online and Social Media Marketing, and a frequent speaker and presenter at industry events. She has helped many businesses and organizations develop and implement successful Social Media and other Web Marketing strategies. With Twitter Marketing: An Hour a Day, Hollis uses the proven "Hour a day" methodology and provides a detailed step-by-step guide for businesses looking to leverage Twitter. Inside she shows exactly how to design, implement, and measure a successful Twitter strategy from beginning to end. The Twitter Marketing: An Hour a Day book is available at Amazon.com and currently costs $20.63 plus s/h (paperback) or $19.69 for the kindle edition and has received several positive reviews.
Twitter Marketing: An Hour a Day (www.amazon.com/books/twitter-marketing-hour-a-day) is a 504 page Social Media Marketing book written by Hollis Thomases in 2010. Hollis Thomases was the founder of Web Advantage (www.webadvantage.net), a leading expert in Online and Social Media Marketing, and a frequent speaker and presenter at industry events. She has helped many businesses and organizations develop and implement successful Social Media and other Web Marketing strategies. With Twitter Marketing: An Hour a Day, Hollis uses the proven "Hour a day" methodology and provides a detailed step-by-step guide for businesses looking to leverage Twitter. Inside she shows exactly how to design, implement, and measure a successful Twitter strategy from beginning to end. The Twitter Marketing: An Hour a Day book is available at Amazon.com and currently costs $20.63 plus s/h (paperback) or $19.69 for the kindle edition and has received several positive reviews.