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PRlogPRlog (www.prlog.org) is a leading free and paid Press Release distribution provider, first established in 2006. PRlog's distribution network includes the top Search Engines, the AP (associated press) news feed, syndication to over 100 news websites and U.S. newspapers, RSS news feeds, PRlog subscriber newsletter inclusion, and distribution via PR Newswire, a leading Newswire service that includes distribution to over 5700 other news sources. PRlog also offers several useful Press Release marketing features, including advance PR scheduling, social media integration, QR codes, reporting/analytics and many others. Free PRlog submissions are ad supported and only receive a limited distribution. 2 premium ad free packages are available, 'Premium' ($49.00 per PR) and 'Premium Plus' ($349.00 per PR), to access the entire PRlog distribution network and other premium feature. The 'Premium Plus' package is the only package offered that includes distribution via PRlog's newswire distribution partner, PR Newswire.
PRlog (www.prlog.org) is a leading free and paid Press Release distribution provider, first established in 2006. PRlog's distribution network includes the top Search Engines, the AP (associated press) news feed, syndication to over 100 news websites and U.S. newspapers, RSS news feeds, PRlog subscriber newsletter inclusion, and distribution via PR Newswire, a leading Newswire service that includes distribution to over 5700 other news sources. PRlog also offers several useful Press Release marketing features, including advance PR scheduling, social media integration, QR codes, reporting/analytics and many others. Free PRlog submissions are ad supported and only receive a limited distribution. 2 premium ad free packages are available, 'Premium' ($49.00 per PR) and 'Premium Plus' ($349.00 per PR), to access the entire PRlog distribution network and other premium feature. The 'Premium Plus' package is the only package offered that includes distribution via PRlog's newswire distribution partner, PR Newswire. More