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Photo Traffic PowerPhoto Traffic Power (phototrafficpower.com) is a Social Media Marketing eBook authored by Pat Flanagan in 2012, detailing how to "How To Build Massive Amounts Of Traffic With Photos & Social Media." The eBook details strategic ways to use photos on Facebook, Twitter, and other free blogging sites (such as Tumblr) to generate large amounts traffic. The manual includes step by step instructions and screenshots, plus case studies of examples that have pulled in big numbers. Photo Traffic Power costs a one time $19.97 for personal use rights, $29.97 for resale rights, or $39.97 for master resale rights. Purchases are backed by a 30 day satisfaction or money back guarantee.
Photo Traffic Power (phototrafficpower.com) is a Social Media Marketing eBook authored by Pat Flanagan in 2012, detailing how to "How To Build Massive Amounts Of Traffic With Photos & Social Media." The eBook details strategic ways to use photos on Facebook, Twitter, and other free blogging sites (such as Tumblr) to generate large amounts traffic. The manual includes step by step instructions and screenshots, plus case studies of examples that have pulled in big numbers. Photo Traffic Power costs a one time $19.97 for personal use rights, $29.97 for resale rights, or $39.97 for master resale rights. Purchases are backed by a 30 day satisfaction or money back guarantee. More