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MobPartnerMobPartner (www.mobpartner.com) is a leading global Mobile Affiliate Network founded by Guillaume Alabert & Vianney Settini in 2007. For mobile advertisers and agencies, MobPartner offers a truly risk free performance based advertising solution to promote mobile apps, mobile offers, and or businesses/brands.
For affiliates (mobile web publishers, mobile app developers, or ad networks), MobPartner provides an ideal solution to monetize unsold mobile ad space with high converting hand picked mobile ads/offers. MobPartner offers flexible CPA (cost per action) pricing formats including CPS (cost per sale), CPL (cost per lead), and and CPI (cost per app install).
MobPartner (www.mobpartner.com) is a leading global Mobile Affiliate Network founded by Guillaume Alabert & Vianney Settini in 2007. For mobile advertisers and agencies, MobPartner offers a truly risk free performance based advertising solution to promote mobile apps, mobile offers, and or businesses/brands.
For affiliates (mobile web publishers, mobile app developers, or ad networks), MobPartner provides an ideal solution to monetize unsold mobile ad space with high converting hand picked mobile ads/offers. MobPartner offers flexible CPA (cost per action) pricing formats including CPS (cost per sale), CPL (cost per lead), and and CPI (cost per app install).