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Kenshoo LocalKenshoo Local (www.kenshooLocal.com) is a local advertising management platform designed for marketing agencies that manage a large volume of online marketing campaigns. Kenshoo Local is built on the Kenshoo Universal Platform (www.kenshoo.com), which also provides Search and Social Advertising management solutions. The Kenshoo Local platform is packed with many features to help agencies manage, improve, and provide reporting for their clients advertising campaigns. Interested users can request a demo of the software, however no information is provided on the exact pricing of the software.
Kenshoo Local (www.kenshooLocal.com) is a local advertising management platform designed for marketing agencies that manage a large volume of online marketing campaigns. Kenshoo Local is built on the Kenshoo Universal Platform (www.kenshoo.com), which also provides Search and Social Advertising management solutions. The Kenshoo Local platform is packed with many features to help agencies manage, improve, and provide reporting for their clients advertising campaigns. Interested users can request a demo of the software, however no information is provided on the exact pricing of the software. More