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Google Adwords EditorGoogle Adwords Editor (www.google.com/adwordseditor) is Google's free application for easier bulk management and offline management of AdWords campaigns. With the Adwords Editor users can download their accounts, update and edit campaigns offline, and then upload the changes to AdWords. Often time Google advertisers will find the Adwords platform to be quite slow and at times difficult to navigate and edit campaigns. With the Adwords editor users can navigate through theirs accounts quicker and easier to make bulk changes, move or copy data between ad groups and campaigns, and even get feedback from other users. Google Adwords Editor is free to download, with versions available for both PC's and Mac's. Google also provides an extensive help center on how to use the editors features.
Google Adwords Editor (www.google.com/adwordseditor) is Google's free application for easier bulk management and offline management of AdWords campaigns. With the Adwords Editor users can download their accounts, update and edit campaigns offline, and then upload the changes to AdWords. Often time Google advertisers will find the Adwords platform to be quite slow and at times difficult to navigate and edit campaigns. With the Adwords editor users can navigate through theirs accounts quicker and easier to make bulk changes, move or copy data between ad groups and campaigns, and even get feedback from other users. Google Adwords Editor is free to download, with versions available for both PC's and Mac's. Google also provides an extensive help center on how to use the editors features.