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Catalyst eMarketingCatalyst eMarketing (www.catalystemarketing.com) is a local SEO service offered by Linda Buquet since 2001, specializing in Google Places optimization. Linda a experienced online marketer of over 11 years who has worked on online marketing campaigns for top companies such as National Geographic and Microsoft. She has worked directly with the upper management of Google Places via the Google Places forum and has been selected as a Google Top Contributor, amongst other accolades. Her firm, Catalyst eMarketing seeks to help its clients improve their SEO efforts through improved Google Places rankings, in order to increase their traffic and sales. Services offered by Catalyst eMarketing include Google Places optimization and Local SEO (for US local businesses), Google Places DIY Training (Basic and Advanced training from Google places consultants), Google Places Consulting and connection to the Google Places Referral Network. Catalyst eMarketing operates within the rules and guidelines of Google, which makes them a preferred choice for many local businesses. Customers interested in the Catalyst eMarketing services can contact them for a free consultation and pricing quote.
Catalyst eMarketing (www.catalystemarketing.com) is a local SEO service offered by Linda Buquet since 2001, specializing in Google Places optimization. Linda a experienced online marketer of over 11 years who has worked on online marketing campaigns for top companies such as National Geographic and Microsoft. She has worked directly with the upper management of Google Places via the Google Places forum and has been selected as a Google Top Contributor, amongst other accolades. Her firm, Catalyst eMarketing seeks to help its clients improve their SEO efforts through improved Google Places rankings, in order to increase their traffic and sales. Services offered by Catalyst eMarketing include Google Places optimization and Local SEO (for US local businesses), Google Places DIY Training (Basic and Advanced training from Google places consultants), Google Places Consulting and connection to the Google Places Referral Network. Catalyst eMarketing operates within the rules and guidelines of Google, which makes them a preferred choice for many local businesses. Customers interested in the Catalyst eMarketing services can contact them for a free consultation and pricing quote. More