Buy LP Design Buy LP Design ( is a landing page template provider established by Mrinal Mahanti in 2013. The Buy LP Design collection currently includes dozens of professionally designed, high converting and fully optimized landing pages. Buy LP Design templates start at $20.00 per and include all PSD, html and css files for easy editing and customization. Buy LP Design also offers custom landing page and other web page design services, of which interested customers can request a free quote. The Buy LP Design custom design service includes 3 revisions and a turnaround time of only 48 hours.
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Date Listed: 

April 22, 2014




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Starting @ $20.00 per landing page template


Buy LP Design ( is a landing page template provider established by Mrinal Mahanti in 2013. The Buy LP Design collection currently includes dozens of professionally designed, high converting and fully optimized landing pages. Buy LP Design templates start at $20.00 per and include all PSD, html and css files for easy editing and customization. Buy LP Design also offers custom landing page and other web page design services, of which interested customers can request a free quote. The Buy LP Design custom design service includes 3 revisions and a turnaround time of only 48 hours. More

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Mrinal Mahanti

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+91 9830640536

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