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Beyond Viral...Beyond Viral: How to Attract Customers, Promote Your Brand, and Make Money with Online Video (www.amazon.com/books/beyond-viral) is a 282 page Video Marketing book written by Kevin H. Nalty in 2010. Kevin Nalty is a career Online Marketer and is one of YouTube's most successful video publishers with over 1,000 videos and 250 million views. Currently, Kevin works as a Marketing & Advertising Strategist at 2 large healthcare firms and in the past has worked for several marketing agencies and consulted with and managed campaigns for many major brands. With Beyond Viral, Kevin teaches his readers how to produce cost effective videos, engage their audience, and compel them to take further action (share, visit website, subscribe, purchase etc.). The Beyond Viral book is available at Amazon.com and currently costs $17.23 plus s/h (hardcover) or $13.99 for the kindle edition and has received many positive "5 star" reviews.
Beyond Viral: How to Attract Customers, Promote Your Brand, and Make Money with Online Video (www.amazon.com/books/beyond-viral) is a 282 page Video Marketing book written by Kevin H. Nalty in 2010. Kevin Nalty is a career Online Marketer and is one of YouTube's most successful video publishers with over 1,000 videos and 250 million views. Currently, Kevin works as a Marketing & Advertising Strategist at 2 large healthcare firms and in the past has worked for several marketing agencies and consulted with and managed campaigns for many major brands. With Beyond Viral, Kevin teaches his readers how to produce cost effective videos, engage their audience, and compel them to take further action (share, visit website, subscribe, purchase etc.). The Beyond Viral book is available at Amazon.com and currently costs $17.23 plus s/h (hardcover) or $13.99 for the kindle edition and has received many positive "5 star" reviews. More