Adwords Content Network The Google Adwords Content Network ( is part of the Google Adwords advertising platform that allows advertisers to access and manage ads on Google's wide network of Google Ad (Adsense) publishers. First established in October of 2000, Google Adwords is the largest sponsored search and advertising network online and is Google's primary source for revenue. In 2003 Google Adwords added its Content Network, known as "Adsense" for publishers, which allows 3rd party web properties to publish Google Ads. Advertisers can set up campaigns for both Google sponsored search and the Google content network from the same Adwords platform. For Google's content network, ads can be targeted automatically determined by the advertisers sponsored keyword list or manually (choosing specific selected placements), based on audiences they want to reach, or specific demographics they want to target. Google's content network gives advertisers several ad unit options besides text ads, including banner, image, flash and video - along with the ability to choose which devices they display on (mobile, tablets, desktops etc). Pricing for Google content ads are bid based CPC (cost per click) and CPM (cost per thousand views), however the CPM option is an advanced setting and not as widely used as CPC pricing. Historically, Google sponsored search ads have outperformed their Content Network ads in terms of CTR (click through rates), conversions and ROI (return on investment), however advertisers can often receive lower priced and a higher volume of clicks through the content network then they can through Google's sponsored search ads. There is a dedicated Google Adwords Advertising category within this website that lists and categorizes many of the top Google Adwords related products and services currently available.
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Adwords Content Network Reviews

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Date Listed: 

March 13, 2012




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About the Google Adwords Content Network

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The Google Adwords Content Network ( is part of the Google Adwords advertising platform that allows advertisers to access and manage ads on Google's wide network of Google Ad (Adsense) publishers. First established in October of 2000, Google Adwords is the largest sponsored search and advertising network online and is Google's primary source for revenue. In 2003 Google Adwords added its Content Network, known as "Adsense" for publishers, which allows 3rd party web properties to publish Google Ads. Advertisers can set up campaigns for both Google sponsored search and the Google content network from the same Adwords platform. For Google's content network, ads can be targeted automatically determined by the advertisers sponsored keyword list or manually (choosing specific selected placements), based on audiences they want to reach, or specific demographics they want to target. Google's content network gives advertisers several ad unit options besides text ads, including banner, image, flash and video - along with the ability to choose which devices they display on (mobile, tablets, desktops etc). Pricing for Google content ads are bid based CPC (cost per click) and CPM (cost per thousand views), however the CPM option is an advanced setting and not as widely used as CPC pricing. Historically, Google sponsored search ads have outperformed their Content Network ads in terms of CTR (click through rates), conversions and ROI (return on investment), however advertisers can often receive lower priced and a higher volume of clicks through the content network then they can through Google's sponsored search ads. There is a dedicated Google Adwords Advertising category within this website that lists and categorizes many of the top Google Adwords related products and services currently available. More

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