Adiquity Founded in 2010, Adiquity ( is a global mobile advertising platform providing solutions for mobile advertisers, mobile publishers, and App developers. Adiquity currently has over 10,000 publishers/developers in its network, 70+ mobile ad network partners, and manages over 16 billion ad requests per month. For advertisers, ad agencies, ad networks, and other media buyers Adiquity provides both self-serve and managed access to a optimized global inventory of mobile app/site traffic. Adiquity offers a wide range of targeting options, ad formats, and reporting and optimization features with both CPC (cost-per-click) and CPM (cost-per-mille) pricing formats available.
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Adiquity Reviews

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Date Listed: 

August 15, 2013




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About Adiquity

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Founded in 2010, Adiquity ( is a global mobile advertising platform providing solutions for mobile advertisers, mobile publishers, and App developers. Adiquity currently has over 10,000 publishers/developers in its network, 70+ mobile ad network partners, and manages over 16 billion ad requests per month. For advertisers, ad agencies, ad networks, and other media buyers Adiquity provides both self-serve and managed access to a optimized global inventory of mobile app/site traffic. Adiquity offers a wide range of targeting options, ad formats, and reporting and optimization features with both CPC (cost-per-click) and CPM (cost-per-mille) pricing formats available. More

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AdIQuity Technologies Pvt Ltd


Anurag Dod

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